Restaurant & Pizzeria
How many restaurants have a loyalty cards for their clientele ?
There are many different ways to make the customers happy, Likella is not here to teach any one, with long time competence and experience, how to do it.
But, maybe, it would be simply useful to be able to check, when receiving the orders, how many times this customer has come to the restaurant... maybe, if it is the case, if it could have indirect returns, it could be worthy to reward the best ones, for example offering a good bottle of red wine or a fine dessert or whatever best fits the occasion.
Likella makes it all possible, it's ready to be used straight away and it does not pose any commitment; if you just want to know better your clientele, it will endow you with all the meaningful information about your customers.
Moreover, offering free access to internet, just requesting that your customer register once (for free) as STAR of the restaurant, the clientele will receive a very useful service, especially for those ones with necessity to be online at lunch time.
This all is a lot... and it requires nothing... so, why not ?
It's simple and gratis, just try it ! It's Likella !!!
TAG: loyalty card, dinner, lunch, booking, table, wine, sommelier, dishes, restaurant, pizzeria