- Registra l'attività
- Configura la raccolta punti
- Stampa il poster
- Aggiungi carte in PVC
- Registra i clienti
- Assegna punti ai clienti
The first step for the merchant who wants to enjoy Likella services is to register its store.
Register now your enterprise, for free!
It's a very easy procedure that will take just a few minutes and consists of filling a form like this:
Load a photo:
Load a photo of your enterprise.
Your enterprise name. Write just the name, don't add any other information. es: Erboristeria Mandragola
Choose the url for your Likella web page.
This address will be shared to your clients for their registration, so it's more advisable to choose a short and easy to remind url.
es: mandragola.likella.com -
Type your enterprise postal address like you would write it in a letter.
Make sure to type the country as well. es: “Via Pian del Mandorlo, 42, 53026 Pienza SI, Italia”.
Then move to the next field (Short description) and make sure the address map is showing the right place you typed. -
Short description:
Type a short description of your enterprise with more information such as your offers, opening hours and additional contacts.
Type in the typology of your enterprise : bar, tobacco shop, restaurant, herbalist's shop
Video Tutorial
Next step: Configura la raccolta punti